Sunday, October 14, 2012

September Ladies Meeting

September Ladies Meeting

   Our September ladies meeting had a sunflower theme.  What wonderful lessons we can learn as Christian ladies from the sunflower.  1. The sunflower tracks the sun. We should follow the Son. 2. The sunflower needs to be stabilized. We need to be stable in why we believe what we believe.  3. The sunflower produces seed.  We should spread the seed of the Gospel.
4.  Sunflowers produce oil. We Christians should have evidence of the Oil (Holy Spirit) in our lives.  5. The sunflower looks like the sun.  As Christian ladies we should reflect the qualities of the Son.
   A special thank you to the ladies that supplied the refreshments at the meeting; Pam Sherwood, Phyllis Fauth and Miss Charlotte.  We have some very good cooks at Lincoln Baptist Church.   I enjoy the time that we get to spend together at our ladies meetings. Building a special bond and unity that only makes
our church stronger.