Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Jonathan and Faith's Wedding


I am very excited to share with you the very special time we had on Friday night, April 4th.  This is when Miss Faith Smith became Mrs. Jonathan Painter.  Time passes so quickly, our little children one day and grown adults the next.  I am so blessed to have watched Jonathan grow up into a Christ honoring young man.  I am thankful beyond words to Bro. & Mrs. Smith for the outstanding job they did raising Faith.  It is truly rewarding to see our young people come to the altar clean and pure.  It makes all of the, seeming, hard work worth it!  Now I pray the LORD will bless their brand new lives together!
Here the Journey began........

My two guys......

Debbie was the flower girl.
Faith's Parents, Brothers & Sisters

"Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Painter"
Faith and Jonathan came back into the auditorium and greeted each person who attended their wedding.  Dismissing each row of guests themselves!

God Bless You Jonathan & Faith